Senior accomplishments recognized on Awards Day
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On May 28, the Seniors will celebrate their last day of high school by attending the Awards Ceremony.
Every year, Trinity holds an event in order to recognize the accomplishments of the graduating Senior class. 2021 will be no different.
This year’s seniors will still have the opportunity to be recognized for their drive, determination and academic achievement. On May 28, 2021, the seniors will walk through the high school doors for the last time in their four year career. They will also receive their awards the same day.
Students have the opportunity to sign up for one time slot in between ten a.m. and six p.m. in order to attend the ceremony. Then, each student will have 5 minutes to receive an award and take a picture. The high school will have a photographer available to take pictures.
If the weather permits, the ceremony will be held on the graduation stage in the front of the school.
“The vast majority of Senior Awards are “merit based” meaning that they are a sign of accomplishment,” school Principal Mr. Dunn explains.
The awards can be determined in many ways. Nominations from teachers, community groups and family members are carefully considered when administrators are choosing which students they want to receive certain awards. The attitude and work ethic of the students are also noted.
In addition to the awards ceremony, seniors will be celebrating their last day of high school. Many seniors will choose to move on to college, while others will attend trade schools or enter the workforce. Regardless of the path these seniors choose to take, they’ve all done a great job and should look back on their four years of high school with fond memories.
“It is exciting to watch these seniors, who were freshmen four short years ago, heading on their life journeys. They have accomplished a great deal… they and their families should be very proud of, as we at Trinity are!” Dunn comments.
Thank you, Trinity seniors, for all your hard work, dedication and time. You will be missed!
When not writing for the newspaper, Riley can usually be found hanging out with friends, participating in extracurriculars or lounging around with a good...