Pet of the Month
Casper the cat sits on his food, waiting to pounce on anyone who tries to sneak by and take it.
Casper is a male domestic shorthair cat. He is owned by Senior Christina Vagnier. Vagnier found him as a stray and has had him for six years. He plays with cat balls, climbs cabinets, furniture and cat trees, eats catnip, and likes to bite his family’s feet. Casper sleeps at Vagnier’s feet. During the week, he eats, sleeps and plays. Casper has been with a happy family for a while and he will stay in one for as long as he lives.
About the Writer
Haleigh Atchison, Staff Writer
Haleigh Atchison is 18 years old. Her birthday is November 18, 2002. She has two dogs named Bodie and Tootsie. Bodie is a full bred Beagle. Tootsie is...