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The Student News Site of Trinity High School

The Hiller

The Student News Site of Trinity High School

The Hiller

The Student News Site of Trinity High School

The Hiller

Pictured above is a human-sized Easter bunny spreading Easter cheer at a church event. Happy Spring, Hillers!

Do you think the Easter Bunny is human size or bunny size?

Lita Feriozzi, Opinion Editor March 26, 2025

Freshmen: Skarlet Hinton - I think it’s human sized. How else would he lay the big eggs and leave them in my yard Chloe Jones - I would think that the Easter Bunny is most likely bunny sized. I believe...

Ham and Turkey are both popular Thanksgiving main dishes. Which one does students like more?

Ham or Turkey?

Compiled by Journalism I November 25, 2024

Freshmen Raeghan Bruce- Ham because turkey is bad. Alex Zipko- Turkey because it’s tradition and it tastes better. Ella James- Probably ham because on Thanksgiving and Christmas, my family gets a...

Happy Thanksgiving from the Hiller Newspaper Staff!

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving activity and how is it different from others?

Compiled by Journalism I November 25, 2024

Freshman Eli Howard- I just like hanging out with my grandma. Ava Terkay- I decorate gingerbread houses on Thanksgiving instead of Christmas. They don’t taste as good as they look. Kaycie Smith- My...

Mr. Powell poses as he's ready to take on horror movie antagonists.

Which teacher would have the worst survival instincts in a horror movie?

Compiled by Journalism I October 30, 2024

Freshmen Mylee Schrader- Mr. Polansky. I feel like he would lose a fight to a squirrel. Jaylyn Weaver- Mrs. Sirianni is too nice, she’d be asking the murderer if he/she needs to sit and chat. Xavier...

This photo captures senior Angela Pan standing patriotically.

What qualities are you looking for in the next president of the USA?

Compiled by Journalism I October 30, 2024

Freshmen Noah Jahn- I’m looking for someone that will take action and lead our country with pride. Fernanda Castos - Wide skill set and strong leadership. Carson LeDonne- I’d rather them be younger....

Survey: “What are your Halloween plans?”

Journalism 1 October 26, 2023

Paige Schott, freshman-  To go trick-or-treating with my sisters. Jayden Caltumo, freshman- I plan to go trick-or-treating with my sister and help out with her trunk-or-treat at Trinity East. Dewayne...

Survey: “What has been your favorite high school memory?”

May 11, 2023

Click here to see the results of the survey!  

Survey: “What will you miss most about the senior class?”

Compiled by Journalism 1 May 9, 2023

Click here to see the results of the survey.

Senior Survey

Rachel Chase, Editor-in-Chief and Opinion Editor May 18, 2022

Who was your favorite teacher and why? Nicklas Hammer: Mr. Komula because I could always be comfortable and myself in his classroom. Samuel Smykal: My favorite teacher was Mr. Poletti because his...

Christmas is a time for joy and to reminisce during the holiday season. Ask yourself, what does Christmas mean to you?

What does Christmas mean to you?

Emma Liggett and Meredith Bryant December 15, 2021

Freshmen:   Jos Berry - “Christmas means family, joy, decorations and Christmas spirit to me. It brings the family together and closer with gifts, putting up decorations and the overall feeling...

The top four favorite Pennsylvania candies are Hershey bars along with Resses Cups, Kit Kats, and Butterfingers!

Teachers’ Favorite and Least Favorite Candy

Addison Paul and Fletcher Beckett, Staff Writer October 26, 2021

Favorite Candy Responses:   Mr. Komula: “Candy corn, because it is nostalgic and unappreciated.”   Coach Belleville: “Holiday Reese's Cup. It is the perfect combination of peanut...

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