Student of the Month: November

Amy Lin


It is my pleasure to nominate Amy Lin as THS Student of the Month.

Amy is an excellent student who works very hard at academics. She earned an A in my AP Biology course and showed outstanding perseverance when topics did not come easily to her. She constantly challenges herself by taking multiple AP and Honors classes. Since she is considering majoring in biology or biochemistry her senior year schedule includes AP Chemistry, AP Calculus BC, Honors Organic Chemistry, and Anatomy and Physiology.

Another way in which Amy is preparing for the future, while helping many others, is her volunteer work at Washington Hospital. She has been a Candy Striper at the hospital for the last four years accumulating more than 200 hours of service. She has even acted as a trainer for other volunteers. With her calm and friendly manner I’m sure that she is of great comfort to patients and families with whom she interacts.

If Amy was judged only by her academic prowess she would be considered an unqualified success. However this is only the tip of the iceberg in Amy’s life. Her family owns a restaurant that Amy has been working in since she was eight years old. By ten she was running the register and by fourteen her parents were leaving her in charge of the restaurant. She has also worked as a babysitter after school and in the summer for three children. And most recently she has helped develop and manage an online clothing store. I wonder sometimes when she manages to find time to sleep!

What I find most outstanding about Amy, though, is her personality. She is pleasant, polite, modest, and humble – all characteristics that are too rare these days. She greeted me each day in a cheerful way in AP Biology and was always a positive influence in class. While her natural tendency is to avoid being the center of attention, Amy makes any group better by her presence. That makes her deserving of THS Student of the Month.

Nominated by Mr. Joe Smith