Student of the Month: December

Bailey Morris


It is our pleasure to nominate Bailey Morris as THS Student of the Month for December.

Bailey is a highly motivated, dedicated, and responsible student. He has definite goals to achieve and is on his way to that end. Bailey has shown that he is a wonderful physicist whose hard work has not gone unnoticed. His drive to push himself further, to better become the individual he wishes to be, is a testament to his will. He is never one to just quit, having the fortitude to keep going on, with a smile to boot, even when the odds are stacked against him. What impresses me the most about Bailey is his spirit of cooperation and willingness to work hard each and every day. – Nominated by Mr. Brandon Botzer

As a member of the National Honor Society, Bailey is very dependable and conscientious. He requires no supervision or reminders to get work done and it was always completed correctly. He is the first one to volunteer for any  community service opportunity that arises. He arrives early and stays late at these activities, such as Freshmen Orientation in August. In addition, he takes the initiative to make a list of the volunteers for these activities, such as Open House, and then provides that list to Herr McLaughlin so that he can easily record the community service hours for the students. Each morning when Bailey walks into homeroom, he greets me with a smile and a “Good Morning, Mrs. Rush.” Most students just walk right past me or are too busy on their phones to speak to me. His pleasant and courteous outlook to life must be commended. – Nominated by Mrs. Melanie Rush