Q: What classes do you teach, and which is your favorite?
A: I teach English 12, Public Speaking and Debate. I LOVE teaching English 12! My students have been working hard and have made it so much fun. I am honored to have been able to spend their last year here with them.
Q: What made you want to pursue a career in education?
A: I always wanted to be a teacher. As a little girl, I played ‘dress-up’ as a teacher. I would prop up a dry-erase board at my grandparents’ house and teach lessons to my grandmother for hours. I also had incredible teachers in school who greatly impacted my love of education.
Q: What is your favorite part of teaching?
A: Getting students excited about learning. I know that most students probably won’t say they are excited about what they will learn in a 12th-grade English class. My goal is to make the content relatable and something they want to know more about. It’s not always easy, but it’s so worth it!
Q: Did you expect to be teaching Speech and Debate along with English classes?
A: I was told in the interview process that I would be teaching those classes. One of my favorite classes in high school was Public Speaking, so I was very excited to be able to teach that! Debate has been a fun experience. The students get passionate about their topics and make it really enjoyable.
Q: Are you teaching Speech and Debate any differently than it has been done in years past?
A: I have modernized the topics in both Public Speaking and Debate. I have based the topics on current events and trends. I hope that doing this will spark more student interest by making the courses relatable.
Q: How much teaching experience did you have before getting a job at Trinity?
A: I taught at Washington School District for the past eight years. I also taught for a year at Transformation Learning before that.
Q: What is your favorite part of working at THS?
A: EVERYTHING! I love being part of the Trinity family. I could go on and on about this!
Q: How has your experience at THS been so far?
A: It has been an amazing experience so far! My students are respectful and work hard. My co-workers have made me feel welcome. The administrators have been really supportive. My mentor and co-teacher have done everything possible to help me feel comfortable here.
Q: Why should students be interested in joining the Speech and Debate classes?
A: The skills you gain from these classes help you in all aspects of life. You can use the content from these courses in interviews, conversations and disagreements. These courses offer a low-stress way to improve your self-confidence and speaking skills.
Q: Do you have anything else to add?
A: I am so grateful to be at THS. I would like to thank everyone for making me feel like a part of the Trinity family.