Raeghan Bruce- Ham because turkey is bad.
Alex Zipko- Turkey because it’s tradition and it tastes better.
Ella James- Probably ham because on Thanksgiving and Christmas, my family gets a honey-baked ham and it has sugary crunchy stuff on top.
Gino Lesako- Ham tastes a lot better.
Chloe Makola- Ham because it tastes better warm and it just tastes better in general.
Ian Migyanko- Turkey because ham is too fatty.
Ella Bradley- Turkey because turkey has more flavor and it’s better with bread.
Leah Wall- Ham because I like honey roast ham.
Oliver Bodart- Turkey because it’s classic and better.
Levi Held- Ham because it has more flavor than turkey.
Cicely Sunseri- Ham because I’ve never tried turkey.
Anthony Giorgi- Turkey because it’s a tradition.
Javis Pugh – Turkey because sweet ham is so bad.
Coryn Stoy- Turkey because turkey is for Thanksgiving and ham is for Christmas.
Ally Krenzelak- Ham because I like Bob Evans’ cold ham.
Sam Horne- Turkey, my grandpa has a giant turkey cooker and we cook them for the neighborhood.
Jacob Rieg- Ham because Turkey is drier than the Sahara Desert.
Abby Stolfer- Ham because Turkey is way too dry.
Hunter Martin- Turkey because when I think of Thanksgiving, I think of a big turkey dinner.
Victoria Lewis- Turkey. I mean it’s just your classic Thanksgiving.
Mr. Polansky- Turkey. It’s tradition, and what did pigs ever do to anybody? Turkey should be the national bird instead of the eagle, and it has tryptophan; makes you go nappy-nappy.
Mr. Ferrari- Turkey because it’s turkey day, it’s associated with Thanksgiving and you can eat ham other times but turley is only eaten on Thanksgiving.
Mr. Komula- Both. Some of my kids like ham and some of my kids like turkey and I don’t want to hear them complain.
Senora Banish- Turkey because it was not something I ate growing up in Honduras.
Sgt. Harper- Turkey because it’s a family tradition.