Noah Jahn- I’m looking for someone that will take action and lead our country with pride.
Fernanda Castos – Wide skill set and strong leadership.
Carson LeDonne- I’d rather them be younger. An honest individual that will help everyone and make America great again. More public speeches and visitations.
Jocelyn Porter- Younger and cares about the future of the country and improves the rights of the people and also has the moral values and fights to protect the country.
Konnor Lease- A president that plays to the people.
Raleigh Flickenger- Priority of the country, good moral values, strong leader.
Maddi McClure- We should have someone who can lead the country very well while prioritizing the American people.
Destiny Malloy- Someone who has compassion and empathy as well as wanting to protect their country.
Julian Brindle- Someone who looks out for the middle class.
Alaina Moore- Qualities I’m looking for are kindness, positive attitude, leadership and acceptance of rights.
Jordan Keener- I guess someone who is respectful for all no matter race, sex, religion, or culture and someone who really cares for the people and makes the world a better place.
Carlos Solis- Someone who is logical, non-egotistical, not a narcissist, strong willed, and genuinely cares about the United States, not self image.
Cassidy Arthur- Hardworking and brave.
Ethan Bright- Helpful towards the citizens of America.
Anthony Giorgi- I don’t care about qualities. I want Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson.
Ava Montgomery- Someone who can run a good economy and someone who cares about the people.
Dylan Falvo- I want someone who is a patriot.
Abby Stolfer- I think they should lead the country in a positive way.
Anthoney Zimmerman- To have a positive, strong, awesome impact on economy.
Angela Pan- Someone who is smart.
Ms. Shaw, English teacher- Transparency, honesty, commitment to all members of society.
Mr. Komula, Chorus teacher- Honesty, I do not like liars. Integrity- someone is not out for themselves.
Mrs. Stanton, PE teacher- I’m looking for someone who is qualified, mentally capable, and someone who is willing to put the country over their own interest.
Mrs. Child, English teacher- I think the new president should be able to fly, sing the alphabet backwards while hanging upside down on the edge of a couch, and make a good cup of tea.
Mr. Powell, Science teacher- Someone like me.