Mylee Schrader- Mr. Polansky. I feel like he would lose a fight to a squirrel.
Jaylyn Weaver- Mrs. Sirianni is too nice, she’d be asking the murderer if he/she needs to sit and chat.
Xavier Warnick- Mrs. Child because she would try to hide.
Aaron Armstrong- Herr Good because he would make the villain do an Übung.
Samantha Stark- Mrs. Thornburg because there is something about her. She is one of the softer of teachers so I feel like she would try to reason with the killer.
Tessa Wright- Mr. Komula because he would try to sing to them.
Camden Proudfit- Mrs. Sirianni because she is too nice.
Makayla Berdin- Mr. Majoris would go straight into danger as his ego is larger than average.
Thomas Pirozzi- Ms. Cortese because she would try and lecture the killer.
Gabby Rieg- Mrs. Thornburg because she would draw attention to herself.
Keyshon Willis- Mr. Ferrari, he would be scared.
Eva Crim- Mr. Powell; he broke his arm.
Micha Mariana- Ms. Shaw because she has too much empathy.
Aliyah Emery- Mrs. Restaneo because she is so new so she can’t make an alliance with someone cause everyone already has their teacher groups.
Kimari Behrens- Mrs. Husk because she would be too nice to the killer.
Luke Thornburg- Mrs. Thornburg because she is oblivious to imminent danger.
Quinn Spurlock- Most of my teachers are pretty reasonable I think. Nevermind, Mr. Powell.
Samantha Horne- Mrs. Monteleone because I never see her outside of her classroom.
Collin Berry- Mrs. Child because she would be too busy analyzing the killer’s rhetoric.
Emily Frazier- Mrs. Husk because she would be too nice.
Mrs. O’Lare, English teacher- Ms. Shaw. I’ve seen her react to bugs in her room so she doesn’t even have a chance in a horror movie.
Coach Belleville, Life Skills teacher- Mrs. Giorgi because if we were both in a horror movie, just like the Geico commercial, Mrs. Giorgi would say, “let’s hide behind the chainsaws in the shed where the chainsaw massacre would happen. When you’re in a horror movie you make poor decisions, that’s just what you do.”
Ms. Finley, Science teacher- Mr. Powell would try to fight the killer.
Mr. Ferrari, PE teacher- Mrs. Giorgi; she’s so sweet she would try to talk the ghost down.
Mr. Polansky, History teacher- Mr. Powell; I feel like he would mess with the killer.