As the boys’ soccer team is quickly progressing through their season, as of September 26 they are 5-2-1 in section and 5-4-2 out of section. Most of the players have faith that they can finish in the top three in their section. They are overall incredibly excited for this season.
Many of the boys on the team are experienced with over three to four years of soccer, and quite a few with over five to six years of experience.
Most of their time is spent training in a gym, on the field practicing, or in the new athletic building with Coach Rizor two times a week. They have a total of three to four practices a week.
During these workouts, they work on their speed and agility by doing prep drills and lifting weights in the weightroom.
Many of the students on the team also have other responsibilities such as work, community service hours, and homework.
One of the freshmen on the team, Evan Slagle, states, “Practice takes up most of my afternoons; sometimes we run longer than we plan. Homework hasn’t been too bad yet at the high school, but it’s a big change. Managing my time is pretty hard.”
The captains of the team are Seniors Andrew Palm, Luke Thornburg and Ryan Torboli. The coaches include guidance counselor Mr. Nikolopolis and middle school wood shop teacher Mr. Higgins. These five help the team always feel confident and keep their positive attitude going throughout the season.
The team this season has an easy time with communication on and off the field because of the good working environment they have been practicing in and the friendships between the players. These friendships help the teammates to uplift each other’s spirit and bring their A-game to the field.
The Hillers have started off with a great season and they hope to finish with a great one as well. Show out at the boys next home game as well as their Senior Recognition night on October 1, 2024 against one of their rivals, Ringgold!