2024 marks the end of Senior Blake Reihner’s high school wrestling career. However, he will be leaving behind a lasting impact on Trinity High School’s varsity wrestling team when he graduates and continues with the sport in college.
Reihner has wrestled since kindergarten, though his father’s coaching background has given him experience within the sport throughout his entire life. Mr. Reihner, Trinity High School math teacher and varsity wrestling coach, has helped his son level up his wrestling career every step of the way.
“The thing I love most about seeing Blake wrestle is being able to see all of his hard work and dedication to the sport pay off,” explains Mr. Reihner.
Over the years, Reihner has overcome any struggles he faced, resulting in many impressive accomplishments. He explains that hard work, effort and his mindset, above all else, have gotten him to where he is now.
He was a three-time State qualifier, placing at States at age 11, as well as placing fifth in the state during his junior year. Reihner also finished off his senior season with a total of 146 wins throughout his career.
Reihner’s younger brother, Sophomore Collin Reihner, says, “I feel like it is deserved how my brother’s hard work is paying off. He put the time in and he deserves all of it.”
Although he has had many successes, Reihner admits there were some struggles throughout his career. One of the struggles he has faced is eating healthy to be able to maintain weight, along with constantly going up against his biggest opponent, Eli Carr, who is a senior attending Hempfield High School. Reihner and Carr have wrestled against each other multiple times, each one a hard battle for both.
His skill and dedication to the sport led him to receive a full-ride scholarship for wrestling at Davidson College in South Carolina while he majors in economics. This is a major achievement and one of the many positive outcomes of his successful career. Good luck Blake!