This school year, the Hiller staff has been working extraordinarily hard to deliver interesting and informational articles to the student body. After writing articles upon articles, the Hiller staff came up with their favorite articles they have written during the 2023-2024 newspaper season.
Editor-In-Chief Addison Paul says her favorite article this year was about the Trinity Leadership Committee.
“The TLC article was probably my favorite because I think it is one of the most important clubs in Trinity because of how much they do and how many people they help. I also love helping with the silent disco. It is an amazing concept,” comments Paul.
Dresden Bouman’s favorite article this year was about the Percy Jackson series.
Bouman says, “It was easily the easiest article I have ever written. It was also awesome to connect with people who share the same passion as me.”
With the new hot commodity at the school this year being The Hiller Cafe, it is no doubt that students would be interested in reading about their favorite spot where the best lattes and coffees are made.
Charlotte Magon explains that her favorite article this year was about The Hiller Cafe because she loved to introduce the school to something that is so important to her.
Magon explains,” My favorite people from school as well as the life skills and autistic support rooms can benefit from the cafe.”
This year, Cadi Wright Cameron Street and Katherine Drezewski decided to join the Hiller staff. With a year full of firsts, Wright determines her favorite article this season to be the one she wrote for the senior issue about Ruby Morgan’s future soccer career.
“I think it was my favorite because I got to write about sports, which I find quite interesting. I think that since this was not a regular sports article, I got to be more creative,” comments Wright.
For Drezewski, all things in the media she enjoyed writing about, but she especially enjoyed her article about the 2024 Grammys.
Drezewski says, “I really like to write about music and media and I liked to share my opinion on all of the current pop-culture. It was super fun to write about my favorite artists.”
Street’s favorite article this year was about “battling boredom.”
“This was my favorite article this year because I like to talk to different people and hear about their interests,” comments Street.
Writing is a form of expression and for copy editor Leah Kubacka, so is dance. This year, she shares that her favorite article to write was about The Nutcracker.
“It was super fun to write about because I know a lot about it as a dancer, and it was fun being able to inform the student body a little more about dance,” explains Kubacka.
As for me, my favorite article I wrote this year is about the 100th graduation ceremony. I especially enjoyed writing this because I was able to inform the student body on this year’s graduation ceremony but I was also able to be more expressive and raw while saying my farewell to the newspaper staff and school.
This has been a great year, and surely, there will never be a shortage of exciting articles to read in the near future! Make sure to tune in next year to hear more from The Hiller staff!