Senior Staff Profile: Hunter Spears
Photo courtesy of Hunter Spears
Hunter received the superlative “Highest number of sport articles written in Hiller History!” (don’t fact-check us!)
- What is your position on “The Hiller”?
I am a staff writer and I run the Twitter account.
- How long have you been on staff and why did you join?
I have been on staff all four years. I started in journalism and I loved it, and Mrs. O’Lare is a wonderful teacher; she guides you through everything and teaches you so much.
- What has been your favorite article you’ve written and why?
My favorite article that I have written is either “Fashion Week continues to strut through New York City” or “Gender gap pay coming to an end.” I love writing about sports, fashion or any controversial ideas that grab a reader’s attention just by reading the title.
- What are your plans after graduation?
I am attending and cheering at West Virginia University as a marketing major while obtaining my real estate license after high school. I plan on minoring in journalism to keep myself writing and learning more about it.
- What is the most important lesson you have learned from being in journalism?
Journalism has taught more to be more punctual and to not procrastinate. We have to meet certain deadlines with a certain number of revisions.
- How many red pens do you think Mrs. O’Lare has gone through grading your articles?
My first set of revisions are always covered in red. I’d say she’s gone through 50 red pens this year.
- How has Mrs. O’Lare impacted/inspired you while writing for “The Hiller”?
Mrs. O’Lare has definitely been my favorite teacher throughout my high school experience. She has a way of making her classroom very comfortable and inviting, and her knowledge of journalism and English is great. I have learned so much from her that I will carry with me to college.
- What is your favorite Trinity lunch meal?
Hiller Hoagie.
Addison has been on staff for four years now and loves writing for The Hiller! When not at school, she can be found hanging out with her friends, online...