Senior Staff Profile: Riley Dunn

Riley received the superlative “Most likely to love your article!”
- What is your position on “The Hiller”?
I am the Copy Editor and News Editor.
- How long have you been on staff and why did you join?
I was in journalism 1 as a freshman and a few of my articles were put in The Hiller that year, and sophomore year I joined the newspaper and have loved it ever since. I joined because I want to go to school for writing and a lot of people my freshman year encouraged me to join because of my love for writing.
- What has been your favorite article you’ve written and why?
My favorite article was probably “Students, graduates pursue media, journalism careers” because it centered around a field that I am potentially interested in, and I loved reconnecting with Emma Malinak and Savannah Ikach.
- What are your plans after graduation?
I plan to attend the University of Iowa to study English and creative writing.
- What will you miss most about “The Hiller”?
I will miss my friends on staff including Hannah Eisiminger, and I also loved the experience it gave me in writing.
- What is the most important lesson you have learned from being in journalism?
Throughout my time in journalism, I have learned to be more confident when asking people for interviews. I have continued to get better at talking to others.
- What is your favorite memory while writing for “The Hiller”?
My favorite memory was probably the parties that we have had throughout the years where we get to relax and have fun as a staff.
- How many red pens do you think Mrs. O’Lare has gone through grading your articles?
I’m going with 12, probably three per year. Some articles had more red than others!
- How has Mrs. O’Lare impacted/inspired you while writing for “The Hiller”?
Mrs. O’Lare first made an impact on me while I was in journalism 1 because she sought me out and asked me to join the newspaper. I don’t know if I would have joined the Hiller if it wasn’t for her confidence in me when I did not have it in myself at the time.
- Anything you would like to add? Anything you would like to say the rest of the staff?
Thank you to everyone who has made journalism fun for me. Good luck to those who decide to continue!!
Addison has been on staff for four years now and loves writing for The Hiller! When not at school, she can be found hanging out with her friends, online...