Seniors show off their Trinity Pride
On National Decision Day, the Class of 2023 gathered to wear shirts representing their future plans. This tradition occurs each year on May 1 and is another beloved senior activity.
As AP Tests and finals pass into memory, all eyes are on the end-of-year traditions and the sendoff of the Class of 2023 during graduation in June. Trinity is a school overflowing with school spirit, so each senior class has contributed new traditions for the rising seniors to take part in.
The coronavirus pandemic has significantly impacted THS Seniors and traditions, with many being impossible for the Classes of 2020, 2021 and 2022 to participate in. The Class of 2023 hopes to revive many of these traditions this year.
Senior Olivia Herrnberger commented, “COVID-19 has affected us all in different ways and I believe that it will take some time for things to return to normal. I believe that if we slowly bring back traditions, the high school experience will go back to ‘normal.’”
Senior Light-Up Night
Light-Up Night is a new tradition from the COVID classes, where parents and siblings decorate their houses with blue and white lights to celebrate their senior’s graduation. Light-Up Night occurred on May 26, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. this year. This year also featured yard signs given out by the THS administration.
Senior Video
The senior video is probably the most famous tradition to come out of THS. The video shows moments from kindergarten through senior year. For the Class of 2023, Abigail Drezewski and Emma Bowman created this year’s video. The senior video will be shown at the Senior Ladder Ceremony.
Senior Ladder
In the Senior Ladder Ceremony, the juniors are proclaimed as seniors as the mantle of the class is passed to them. The ladder is passed from the senior student council to the junior student council, and the senior video is shown to both classes. The ladder is scheduled to be passed down on June 5, 2023, at 8:15 a.m., at THS.
Senior Picnic
The Senior Picnic is a reimagining of Senior Night and is taking place after graduation practice on June 5, 2023.
The picnic will feature food trucks and games for the seniors to take part in, and the senior gifts will be handed out. This will be the last time the class has a large gathering before graduation.
Senior Instagram
Not all traditions occur at the end of the year. The Class of 2023 Instagram page has been posting details about senior college decisions and majors since February 2023. If interested, check out the account @trinityhighschool2023.
Senior Last Day
The last day of instruction for the Class of 2023 will be on Friday, June 2, 2023, and full of emotion. Seniors will say goodbye to their favorite teachers they had during high school and all assignments will be over for the class.
Elementary Walkthrough
Many seniors have attended Trinity Area since kindergarten, and the elementary walkthroughs are a final goodbye to where it all began. Seniors will walk through the elementary school in their caps and gowns while the elementary schoolers watch in the hallway. Seniors will be able to see their favorite teachers from elementary school and say a final goodbye to them thirteen years later. The walkthrough also inspires the elementary students as they know that they will eventually walk the halls as well.
Senior Breakfast
The Senior Breakfast will occur on June 7, 2023, and feature a gourmet breakfast before graduation practice.
Senior Brett Phillips commented, “The Senior Breakfast is when all of the seniors meet up at the high school before graduation practice one morning and enjoy a nice (non-school cafeteria grade) breakfast.”
Senior Sermon
The Senior Sermon will be a religious gathering at the Immaculate Conception Church. The congregation and priest will celebrate the Class of 2023 and its triumphs and successes throughout education. This tradition is a longstanding one and is purely optional for seniors to attend. The Senior Sermon will occur on June 7, 2023, at 6:30 p.m.
Campus Decorations
The decorations that adorn the front lawn for graduation are a reminder of the upcoming graduation. The phrase “TRINITY 2023” will be hammered into the front lawn and will be seen by all as they enter the school during those last days of the school year.
Traditions unite people together and the senior traditions fulfill that. In the years beyond, the seniors will look back on the end of high school with fondness and remember these traditions the clearest.
Phillips commented to the senior class, “I wish everyone good luck with your future plans, whether that is going to college or directly entering the workforce. It has been a good time together.”
Aiden is a senior and is very excited to be writing for The Hiller this year. Outside of school, he likes to hang out with friends and work at Chipotle....