Traveling through Trinity’s timeline

Photo Courtesy of Emma Liggett

Junior Seavaun Agmon and Senior Alyssa Wells join the Trinity tradition of signing their name in the bell tower. Mr. Scott is always excited to teach students about the extensive history behind Trinity High School.

General Grant, the underground railroad and a ghost: these are three things that tie into the rich history of Trinity Area School District that the average student has not yet had the opportunity to learn about. It’s important to take a closer look at the timeline of this school to gain a better appreciation of where we will all eventually call our Alma Mater.

Trinity started as a residential house purchased by the Smith Family in 1857 and became an episcopalian school for boys with emphasis on military values and practices. This house included an armory and the iconic belltower that every Trinity student still gets to admire today. 

During the days of Trinity being a school for boys, high profile men would often pass through. One of these men was President Ulysses S. Grant, and he even slept within the walls of Trinity for a brief period of time in 1869. 

Many students may find it hard to believe that there are hidden tunnels connecting their school to both the Washington courthouse and the Bradford house, both close by in town in the mid to late 1800s. However, it is a fact that the tunnels connecting these buildings were once part of the underground railroad and are now blocked off and buried under the town. 

Trinity became a co-ed public school around 1925 when it turned into a junior and senior high school. The layout was much different than the senior high school that the students know today. It wasn’t until after 1972, when the middle school was built, that it was turned into an exclusively senior high school. Economics teacher Mr. Lee, who taught at Trinity during this time, recalled what it was like to navigate the old school.

“When the old academy building was torn off in 2005, the junior and senior high schools were divided down the middle of the building, and the top floor wasn’t connected together. So, if you were trying to go to another room upstairs, you had to go down and back up another staircase to get there,” explained Lee. 

Along with the facts of this school’s history, there have been rumors over the years of a “ghost of Trinity.” While this idea seems absurd, it isn’t so far off from being possible as several people have claimed hearing odd sounds around the building.

With all of the rich history packed into the grounds of this school, there’s always more to learn about. Students are welcome to visit the museum on the first floor of Trinity Hall to see relics found within the building on display and the bell tower where students can see an old classroom from the boys school. Mr. Scott, facilities director, also encouraged students to ask more questions. He would be happy to share his extensive knowledge about the school. 

Lee shared that another good way to learn more about the history is to simply look at old yearbooks. Between the layout of the school, the activities and clubs offered and the student body, the changes that have been made are fascinating.

“Every graduating class makes their own history and adds to Trinity’s history in one way or another,” stated Lee.