Journeying through slices of Washington
Pictured is a heart shaped pizza from Romano’s Pizza Cafe and the talented women making them. Romano’s had the highest score for best crust, sauce, toppings, quality and cohesiveness combined. Also pictured is a pepperoni pizza from Mm Mm Pizza, a very delectable choice for pizza night.
Imagine sitting at home on a Friday evening with friends, laughing the night away. Suddenly, hunger strikes like a ton of bricks, and there’s nothing to do but order a fresh pizza pie.
Alas, with so many options in this little town of Washington, it can seem impossible to pick somewhere to get a reputable slice. Freshman Madison Hoffman explained that her and her friends always struggle on deciding where to get pizza.
“Everyone has different opinions about their favorite pizza and sometimes it gets pretty heated,” Hoffman said.
Of course, many have their favorite pizza places in town and aren’t willing to change their minds. This still leaves the question unanswered: with so many pizza choices, which one is actually the best?
I have created a grading system on how to identify a good pizza. Each pizza I try will be a pepperoni pizza and will be rated based on crust, sauce, toppings, quality and cohesiveness.
The first pizza I tried out was Four Star. I have always been a big fan of this pizza because it has such a classic pizza taste and feeling when you take the first bite. Next, I tried Mm Mm Pizza. This pizza is very similar to Four Star in the overall quality and their customer service was truly something to remember. Happy Pappy’s Pizza and Ice Cream Parlor also scored the same as these places. I always appreciate the amount of cheese that the pizza makers here bless the pies with. The pizza from all three establishments are always quality pizzas and a treat to dig into, but not the best that I have found.
Mamma Cheez’s pizza scored slightly lower on the grading system. Yes, the pizza is enjoyable, but its crust and sauce were lacking in greatness. Olive Oil’s Pizzeria also lost a few points in overall quality, and so did Osso’s Original Pizza. Although a town-wide favorite, Osso’s technically lost points for its lacking in toppings. This upset me and Senior Aydan McKean as big Osso’s fans ourselves.
“Osso’s just has such a historical charm about it that not many other businesses in town can replicate,” explained McKean.
Despite its lower scoring, I will continue to see it as one of my favorites in Washington.
The two highest rated pizzas on my list were Pizza on Main and Romano’s Pizza Cafe. These came very unexpectedly to me, as I hadn’t tried either before going out and grading each pizza. Pizza on Main was great in overall quality and I couldn’t find much of anything to take points off of. I would definitely recommend it to all pizza lovers.
Romano’s Pizza Cafe had the best pizza in my opinion. The experience I had with this establishment was very memorable in the way they treated me and the way in which they created their pizza. The quality of this pizza surpassed all others that I tried. The toppings were plentiful and the pizza just made sense. I have nothing bad to say about Romano’s Pizza Cafe.
The information that I have gathered about this town’s pizza restaurants has definitely surprised me. I was pleasantly surprised with the service of the different establishments that I had the honor of visiting. So the next time hunger strikes, I recommend giving Romano’s a try or visit any of the shops in Washington to discover a new favorite pizza!
Abby is a senior and is super excited to be on the newspaper staff this year! When not in school, she enjoys playing guitar, performing in and writing...