Cast of “Addams Family” prepares for tech week
Photo Courtesy of Musical Photographer Nathan Sander
JW Jobes rehearses his lines for Fester in the dance “Full Disclosure.” This is JW’s first production and he is a freshman at Trinity High School.
With only one month until “The Addams Family” musical, the cast is getting ready to prepare for the rigorous week that is to come. Tech week is the Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before the show – March 11,13 -15. The week consists of a rehearsal every night running through the show once or twice. The cast usually practices for several hours and leaves around ten or eleven each night.
The Saturday before the show is a five-hour rehearsal for smoothing out any last wrinkles, and then, tech week starts. Props, sets, costumes and microphones are all used and practiced with to ensure nothing unexpected happens during the show.
Junior Arwen Ikach who plays Alice Beineke says, “Have as much fun as you can. This is the last week performing with these people on this show so just keep smiling.”
It is recommended to the cast and crew that they get good sleep and drink lots of water during the week. Stretching is also very important because of the constant dancing and singing. This week can bring on tons of stress so the cast and crew need to make sure they don’t overwork themselves.
Although this week sounds excruciating, many find it to be the best week of the school year because they get to be with their friends and finally show off this production that they have been working on.
Freshman JW Jobes, who plays Fester, says, “I am nervous being that this is my first production with THS, but I am excited to spend all day with my friends.”
The cast has been preparing for this show since the cast list came out in October and they can’t wait for it to be seen by the public. The show is March 16, 17 and 18 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 19, at 2 p.m. Tickets go on sale February 21 and presale starts earlier for parents of the cast.
This show is a comedy with an eclectic group of characters and a hardworking cast and crew. Mr. Komula ( producer and music director) and Mrs. Child ( Director) have also worked tirelessly, especially going into this week.
“I’m excited for people to fall in love with these characters just like we have,” says Senior Will Seirsdale who plays Gomez.