Student of the Month: December – Abigail Drezewski

I am honored and pleased to nominate Abigail Drezewski for THS Student of the Month for December.


Abby is a senior choir member and founder/director of the newly formed Shirley Tempos A Capella Troupe. Abby has taken it on her own to create this group. She contacted me over the summer with a clear plan and an excellently crafted letter detailing what she would like to do with this group. To date, she is meeting these goals with great enthusiasm and efficiency.


As a person, I don’t know if I have been around a more purely kind person. Abby never has a cross word for anyone. She truly cares and is very passionate about her faith, family, and music. She has written songs and musicals (yes, an entire musical) and is currently the lead for the Spring Musical. She is open to suggestions and is willing to listen to adults that have her best interests at heart.


Abby was chosen as the homecoming queen this year and truly was deserving of the honor, which she viewed as an honor. She is a hard worker in the classroom, helps me with everything, and always has new ideas for the group. More importantly, she accepts the answers I give if they don’t go her way.


She currently has a 4.34 GPA and has been accepted into several colleges with varying amounts of scholarship offers. She is currently the student representative to the school board, a position she takes very seriously. She is a role model for her peers, leads by example, and has accomplished much success while at Trinity High School; therefore, she is an obvious choice for THS Student of the Month.


Nominated by Mr. Matthew Komula