Drawing courtesy of Sienna Heasely
With a new school year on the horizon it’s important to make new friends. Bonds from simple interactions can last a lifetime!
After we’ve walked these halls for almost a month and schedules are finally set in stone, we wonder…what’s to come this year? As this is the first year for current THS students that COVID does not have a say in how things are run, it feels quite different for everyone.
Seniors are finally getting their first normal year of high school, while freshmen are beginning this new leap into a foreign land.
An issue that we haven’t been exposed to previously has arisen. While we have been online and in and out of school we haven’t had to worry about having classes with our friends since they were merely a phone call away. Since we are now going everyday in person that isn’t the case anymore.
The question that has been on everyone’s mind, though, is quite simple. What would Chelsea do to navigate the anxiety of not having any friends in her classes?
For starters, the fear of beginning a new year with all new classes is completely understandable. We all want to hold on to the normalcy and the schedules that we have created.
As the year starts and we begin setting our new schedules, it can become a bit overwhelming when realizing we don’t share any classes with our friends from the years prior. How will group projects work out? What if you have questions about homework or an assignment that isn’t making much sense?
The best advice that I can offer is to first see if there’s anyone that you may have spoken to in previous years. This gives you a familiar face and normally makes it easier to interact with them.
Don’t be afraid to reach out of your comfort zone either. Being able to branch out and make small talk with your peers is very important, especially in high school and any higher education class. This allows students to get out of their box and get to know others they might not have otherwise gotten to meet.
A second tip is to reach out to other classmates. Chances are, someone is probably feeling the same way. This may be hard for some, but I promise, it will never hurt.
Being able to reach out to others both in and out of class can help build confidence and social skills.
High school is always an interesting path full of different life lessons and ways that we all will grow as individuals. Chelsea is here to help students every step of the way and help with all the issues that may arise during their high school career. Welcome back Trinity students, let’s make this year the best yet!
When not busy with homework or extracurriculars, Emma is normally reading a fantastic new book or looking for new things to write about. She adores spending...