Seniors start getting nostalgic
Photo courtesy of Courtney Boardley
Don’t be sad grads! Just because a new chapter is starting, doesn’t mean the opportunity of looking back and smiling isn’t there. Congratulations and adventures are out there! Here’s to new beginnings, but never forgetting our pasts.
“High school is going to be the best years of your life,” every parent tells their incoming freshman on the first day. Four years seemed to go in the blink of an eye and now we’re weeks away from graduation. Seniors Courtney Boardley and Casey Reinhardt answer questions about their high school experiences.
What year was the most special and why?
Courtney: My most special year was senior year. For me, we had just returned to “pre-covid life” and everything was getting back to normal. I got to do all the senior activities that I wanted to do, like things for choir and the NHS. It was so special because I got to do so many things with my friends, like go to Formal and soon enough prom. Also, I think that senior year is so much more special because we finally feel honored and appreciated for all of our hard work throughout all the years we have been in school.
Casey: Sophomore year, because that was when I started doing marching band. Everything was fine and I didn’t have problems.
How do you define the “high school experience”?
Courtney: To me, the high school experience means participating in sports, clubs, extracurricular activities and anything with the school. I always loved going to all the events like prom, formal and football games. Being with other students adds to the experience as well.
Casey: It’s tiring and worth it. It’s enjoyable. You find a group you like and stick with them, and you can all be tired and exhausted together.
Do you think you lived up to this experience why or why not?
Courtney: Yes I did. I went to all the football games and I never missed a prom or formal. I enjoyed going to places where I could hang out with other students from school.
Casey: Absolutely. I based the experience on my own definition.
How big of an impact did COVID-19 have on this experience?
Courtney: It made it hard to achieve the high school experience because I couldn’t be with my friends and sometimes the school and student council didn’t have as many events as usual. For most of my sophomore and junior years of high school, we were held back by COVID-19 limitations.
Casey: Me, not that much. I didn’t change that much, I tried to keep hanging out with people even during COVID-19.
What is your all-time favorite memory?
Courtney: My all-time favorite memory is junior prom 2021. It was so fun and I enjoyed the food and dancing. Since it was the first big event held after COVID, that made it all the more special.
Casey: The end of opening night of “The Little Mermaid” freshman year. Noah Partzotozi asked to talk to me for a minute. I kind of panicked, but he brought me into the practice rooms and told me I did so well, and he was proud of me.
If you could go back and change anything what would it be and why?
Courtney: The only thing I would change might be my classes. I put a lot of stress on myself throughout high school and always had a heavy course load. I think I might have been able to take it easier.
Casey: Nothing. I hate that question because the answer will always be nothing. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the mistakes I have made. There is not a thing I would change about myself, regardless of all the problems I have.
Which teacher gave you the best memories and why?
Courtney: I would say Herr McLaughlin gave me the best memories because I had him all four years of high school and our classes were always tight-knit. We have our inside jokes and we can have fun, yet we still get our work done. Also, Herr Mac always gives us really good advice about our futures which I continue to appreciate.
Casey: Hilty. Everything I can remember involves Hilty in some way, shape or form.
Which class gave you the best memories and why?
Courtney: I would say that German class gave me the best memories. As I said before, our class learned German very well, yet we still had fun. I enjoyed learning about German in a fun way, which also helped me remember things easier. Also, I loved learning about the culture of Germany, which is very interesting to me and I will always remember that.
Casey: Band. I don’t know, those are my kind of people. Of course, I’m going to remember the band better than my other classes, as I had more fun.
What activities gave you the best memories and why?
Courtney: Speech and Debate gave me the best memories. Our coaches for speech and debate are Mrs. Berty, Mr. Komula and Ms. Beachy. When we did any events or went anywhere it was always so much fun. Mrs. Berty always made speech and debate interesting, yet she always helped me get better too. She also helped me go to the state competition for speech and debate, which I had an amazing time doing.
Casey: Marching band was all I thought about in high school. It was the biggest thing I was excited about. Just all the people there, what we did, it was just fun.
Here’s to more memories throughout life, wherever it might take us! Remember the little things, and especially, once a Hiller, always a Hiller! Congrats, Grads of 2022!
Don’t be sad grads! Just because a new chapter is starting, doesn’t mean the opportunity of looking back and smile isn’t there. Congratulations and adventures are out there! Here’s to new beginnings, but never forgetting our pasts.

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