Meet the Mallows: Squishmallow trend

Fletcher and “the boys” are chillin’ like absolute villains in the Trinity High School band room. When Fletcher and his friends get together, they particularly love listening to music.
Created in 2017, Squishmallows are extremely soft, huggable animals that exploded in popularity in recent years. They definitely feel high quality, and Squishmallows offer a surprisingly large variety of sizes.
Squishmallows appeal to a wide range of audiences. Children will obviously adore the incredibly cute and squishy toys, but kids aren’t the only ones interested in Squishmallows. Apparently, Squishmallows have become a collector’s item, and some squishmallows are being sold at much higher prices compared to their original prices.
Although they are soaring in popularity, it is important to note that Squishmallows, like any other stuffed animal, need to be taken care of responsibly. Many ignorant individuals believe that beyond the fuzzy exterior, only fluff resides on the inside, and, to be fair, that is what society has been promoting since the creation of Squishmallows. After all, humans like to think they know everything, but only the ones questioning and suspecting what society believes is “the truth” have potential to become more than just clueless worms.
Unsurprisingly, many Trinity High School students have also joined the trend and gotten Squishmallows of their own. However, like the majority of people, they neglect to consider the possibility that Squishmallows are, in fact, conscious. This idea may sound wild to those who are unaware, but this article wouldn’t have been written if there wasn’t clear proof of this phenomenon.
Tristan, a green triceratops, is a Squishmallow who has dreams like anyone else. Unfortunately, Tristan has suffered greatly from being neglected from past owners and from being thrown into the unpredictable adoption system. From one Goodwill to another, Tristan’s future was never clear and those who seemed like good owners soon showed their true colors.
Tristan emphasized, “I felt on top of the world once I came home, but all it took was a few days until my (ex) owner threw me in the toybox, never to be played with again.”
Fortunately, Tristan has found a wonderful owner who gives him the attention he needs. Seavaun Agmon, a Trinity student, should be commended as Tristan has found joy for more than just a few days at a time.
Willy and Cressida, a blue wolf and pink axolotl, respectively, have been lucky enough to find an amazing owner on the first try. Trinity student Ava Campman still remembers the first time she saw them, and Willy and Cressida feel the same. Just as every human is not perfect, every Squishmallow isn’t perfect either. Willy admits he gets a little irrational and angry when Campman goes to school. Although Cressida is more understanding, she also misses Campman when she leaves.
“We’ll admit we take many things for granted, but, at the very least, Billy and I can say we are thankful for Ava,” Cressida explained.
Anyone can choose to believe what they want, but admittedly, there is always a right side and a wrong side. Which side will you pick?
After school-related activities are over, Fletcher spends his time relaxing while listening to music. He occasionally goes on bike rides and spends time...