Student of the Month: April – Kyle Fetcho

It is my pleasure to nominate Kyle Fetcho for THS Student of the Month for April. Over the past four years, I have observed and interacted with Kyle as a student in my Economics class and Study Hall, as an athlete in the weight room, and as a JA Titan competitor. During that time, I have been impressed with Kyle’s character, attitude, and abilities. In my estimation, Kyle is the embodiment of what a student athlete leader should be. He has challenged himself and excelled in his classes and extracurricular activities. He has broadened himself by participating in a variety of activities. He has been a role model by performing community service and being chosen for positions of leadership and responsibility. 

As a student, Kyle has maintained High Honor Roll status throughout his high school career, while primarily taking AP and Honors level classes. As a result of his academic hard work and dedication, Kyle has been a member of Trinity’s Chapter of the National Honor Society for the past two years. In my class, Kyle was a consistent A student and a willing participant. Having decided to focus on Business and Entrepreneurship, Kyle has been a Regional medalist in FBLA (2nd), DECA (2nd) and JA Titan (5th), and qualified for their State competitions. 

Athletically, Kyle has lettered in three varsity sports soccer, basketball and volleyball, as well as playing AAU Basketball. Last year, he was a starter on the basketball team that advanced in the WPIAL playoffs and was chosen for the All Section Team in volleyball. In all three sports, Kyle has been selected to serve as a team captain. Kyle has also assisted with the Trinity Boys Basketball Youth Camp and the Little Dribblers elementary school basketball program. 

As a leader and role model, Kyle has been elected to serve on the Student Council in each of his four years at Trinity, and as mentioned, he is a member of the NHS. He has worked with the Trinity youth basketball programs and volunteered at his church during VBS as the recreation assistant. In addition, Kyle has done a variety of volunteer projects at school with NHS and in the community with Operation Shoe Box. 

In his endeavors at Trinity, Kyle has demonstrated integrity and responsibility, while displaying a positive attitude and work ethic, which has earned him the respect of his teachers, coaches, and peers. Based on his body of work, I believe Kyle Fetcho is deserving of the THS Student of the Month recognition and honor.