Writing love letters – teacher advice
Skroupa excitedly shows off his glorious, high quality scratch and sniff stickers while in his classroom. That heavenly smile will brighten up anyone’s day!
They say love is in the air, but really, love is on paper. A sincere love letter is a timeless expression of affection.
Breakup with the 2 a.m “you up?” text this Valentine’s day and grab a favorite pen. A love letter is sure to spark a romance with the recipient.
Mr. Columbus, Mrs. Thornburg, Mr. Skroupa and Mr. Schwab give their insight on how to write the best love letter ever.
Thornburg and her husband communicated by letters when he was stationed in Germany, thus she has some experience with genuine and heartfelt messages. Though heartfelt, she prefers a short and sweet letter that gets to the point.
If delivering the letter at school, Thornburg recommends sneaking the letter into the intended recipient’s backpack. It will be quite the surprise, just make sure it is the right backpack. Recipients should always respond with kindness and tact. If they do not respond at first, “do not stalk them” and wait patiently.
Columbus values a love letter that is concise and truthful. He has written a love letter and it scored him a fiance! He recommends passing the letter to the intended recipient in a nonchalant way. He wants to remind recipients to always be considerate of feelings and to be thankful for the kind words in the letter. To get the recipient after the letter, go straight to asking them on a date. Just remember, don’t be creepy.
Both Thornburg and Columbus place importance on being “true to yourself” when interacting with a crush.
As for Schwab, he isn’t the biggest fan of love letters at the moment, but has had some experience of his own. Schwab personally feels he was “young and foolish” when he made the decision to write a love letter. Currently, Schwab believes that students should, rather than confess to their crush, keep their feelings to themselves. Schwab maintained that, if a student REALLY wanted to write a love letter, the quicker the letter was, the better, and that the student should be honest and straightforward when writing. In his opinion, the best method of delivery is email because it is more “hip” compared to the aged process of writing and physically delivering a letter. If the advice above does not work, Skroupa has some advice that is sure to work!
Skroupa has spent months of his life carefully crafting a love letter template, one that he describes as a fool-proof way to kickstart any new romance. The very best part of a love letter? The scratch and sniff sticker. Bonus points if it is chocolate scented. The recipient is sure to be stuck on you! Though the sticker will leave the recipient enthralled, the “yes” or “no” check-box will really spice up the letter. It is best to be aggressive and assertive, leaving no room for abstract questions. Giving someone a letter by hand is really not passionate enough, the best way to make an impression is to sing the letter via barber shop quartet style, but not for more than two minutes, because it could come off as not very nonchalant. Recipients should give an enthusiastic “yes.” Who wouldn’t want to be serenaded in front of the entire lunch room? After the very chill delivery, sweep them off their feet with charm and gifts.
First, very publicly declare love for them, including lots of PDA in the stairway. The new romance may even get attention from the security guards! Since the cafeteria presentation was lowkey, it is necessary to really show them how much you care. Skroupa recommends putting a giant banner across their car. Be careful to not make it too flashy because it wouldn’t be good if it came off too strong. In the unlikely case that they seem avoidant after that, his advice is to screenshot a picture of their face from Instagram, and then get it tattooed right on the shoulder, with their name and birthday under it. True love really is forever. How sweet and dedicated! After those very sweet showings of love, they may still be a bit shy for some reason.
The final step, give them one more scratch and sniff sticker, and the rest is fate. Skroupa could be called the modern Shakespeare.
This Valentine’s Day advice will find you a perfect match, someone who you think you is just write!
Krista is a senior and very happy to be on The Hiller staff. When not busy with school work or on the field, she enjoys spending time outside and with...
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