How does drink temperature influence behavior?

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Not only does a warm drink bring better health on the inside, the perfect cup of hot chocolate can warm anyone up on the outside as well.
Over the years the debate between hot and cold drinks has grown. The debate is that some drinks taste better hot and some taste better iced. And then there’s those who drink hot drinks in cold weather and cold drinks in warm weather.
I’m an iced drink girl year-round, unless it’s Christmas time, then hot chocolate is my top choice. Hot tea isn’t the worst and hot coffee is my last resort, but ten times out of ten I wait until it’s lukewarm to drink it no matter my caffeine deprivation. I just don’t want to scorch my mouth when I’m supposed to be drinking something enjoyable. However, drinking iced drinks could be dangerous because there isn’t the heat to tell you to drink your coffee slowly. The next thing you know, the cup is empty.
Now let’s get real, most adults drink hot coffee because that’s what they know, but do they know about the health benefits? Drinking a hot drink like tea or coffee, even in the dog days of summer or the arctic frigidness of winter, helps ease digestion. They activate the digestive system and stimulate blood flow to help avoid stomachaches. Not only this, but they’re a natural healer for sore throats, sinus congestion and other pains. Some teas are also known to reduce acne and natural toxins throughout the body.
However, don’t drink hot water after working out – that’s what ice water is for.
Drinking cold water helps your core temperature drop after working out, and it also might help burn an extra couple of calories to increase metabolism, but that seems like it’s the only pro for iced drinks. They’ve been criticized for being unhealthy. They need to be around room temperature for the body to fully digest, otherwise they can cause migraines and indigestion.
Overall, it seems like it’s personal which drink you prefer, but when you look at the facts and health benefits, I don’t want to say this, but I have to… hot drinks seem like they’re the better option for us as human beings.
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