Thanksgiving food: Ultimate smackdown
These three delightful treats are the ultimate winners of the Thanksgiving smackdown! Happy Thanksgiving and make sure to eat all of the turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie as possible.
Thanksgiving is the time where families get together and feast as a day of giving thanks and eating without guilt. Thanksgiving originated roughly 400 years ago. It started with the Pilgrims being thankful for the new world they discovered… some 400 years later it is now viewed as a day to eat as much as you can while watching football.
We don’t know about you, but our families surely debate which food is the ultimate Thanksgiving dish… lucky for you, we broke it down into three different categories: main dishes, sides and desserts.
Main Dishes:
The main dish during Thanksgiving is what the whole meal showcases. When turkey went up against lasagna, ham and chicken there were many key points as to why Turkey won. Ultimately, turkey has been the traditional tasteful bird in America since the first Thanksgiving in 1621. In the end, the winning food is the first food many think of when it comes to this holiday, and some may even call Mr. Tom Turkey the king of Thanksgiving!
The sides are just as important as the main dish; they’re what accompany Mr. Tom Turkey. Though all of these options are considered “traditional,” stuffing ultimately passes up the creamy, buttery, mashed potatoes as the carby food that most complements the tender, juicy turkey. In the end, a forkful of turkey and stuffing for one big bite definitely puts the gravy on top as far as the first round of feasting goes in our book!
Ah yes, the moment where everyone is in a food coma, but decides, “Eh, a piece of pie won’t hurt.” This part of the day full of feasting really puts the whipped cream on the pie. Although these are all great options, pumpkin pie is definitely as traditional as you can get. The creamy pie with the sweet whipped cream on top seems to end the day perfectly.
Thanksgiving is mainly celebrated in the countries of Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Mexico and the U.S. celebrate the fourth Thursday of November. Thanksgiving in Mexico is more for the American tourists than their own country.
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second weekend of October each year in Canada. Canadians celebrate the second weekend of October to align with Columbus Day and feast all weekend compared to Americans on a Thursday.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a less of a debacle of which food is the ultimate Thanksgiving food.
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