Teachers’ Favorite and Least Favorite Candy
Favorite Candy Responses:
Mr. Komula: “Candy corn, because it is nostalgic and unappreciated.”
Coach Belleville: “Holiday Reese’s Cup. It is the perfect combination of peanut butter and chocolate.”
Ms. Shaw: “Salted pretzel bark from Sarris, because it tastes like heaven.”
Mr. Majoris: “Twix, because it is an exceptional conglomerate between creaminess and crunchiness.”
Mr. Skroupa: “Kit Kats. They’re fun to break apart.”
Least Favorite Candy Responses:
Mr. Komula: “Anything healthy for Halloween.”
Coach Belleville: “Three Musketeers. They literally taste like air.”
Mr. Rhodes: “Candy corn, because it is too sweet and it hurts my teeth at such an old age because my teeth are brittle.”
Mrs. Macino: “Black Liquorice. “It is just disgusting.”
Mrs. Harrington: “Milk duds. Who even eats this anymore? Who even gives this away anymore? This is old, old candy.”