Though students started the year without masks, they have become a part of the morning checklist just as much as remembering to bring your backpack to school!

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Though students started the year without masks, they have become a part of the morning checklist just as much as remembering to bring your backpack to school!

After a month of being back to school, we have all settled into our routines: waking up at 6 a.m, catching the bus and executing our school schedules every day. While this monotony can be boring, it is a constant in the changing landscape of our school. Covid has changed so much of our lives, and there is little that feels certain anymore.

We began the year maskless and with much less distance than before. For some, this was a source of anxiety. But, after a recent state mandate and an urge from professionals, we are back to masking once again. Certainly, we are all tired of hearing about Covid over and over again. Our lives have changed and they will probably never be the same again. Maybe this is a harsh reality or even a dramatic one. Nevertheless, this is what we are facing. So then, the question arises, What Would Chelsea Do to manage life and schooling through all of the uncertainty?

Current seniors have had one year of high school unaffected by Covid, and each of the other grades has yet to have a full “normal” high school year. Personally, I’ve come to appreciate the value of an in-person, Covid-free education — something I never even imagined considering.

Unfortunately, contact tracing or quarantining may have already kept you out of school for a long period of time this year. This alone can feel daunting. But, this problem has plenty of solutions. Should you find yourself missing class, you should communicate with your teachers every day, check the class Canvas page and complete assignments on time to the best of your ability. Don’t be afraid to ask your teachers questions, either!

If you feel overwhelmed by the risk of Covid, the best course of action is to consider getting vaccinated, if you are able, and properly wear your mask during school. It could also be beneficial to utilize the hand sanitizing dispensers around school or bring your own sanitizer to use throughout the day. And, as always, continue to wash your hands regularly. 

On top of Covid stress, current seniors may also feel overwhelmed by a rain of college applications, school work, jobs, sports and more. Even just typing all of those tasks out feels daunting. But, time-blocking or using a planner could help alleviate some of the time management issues you may be experiencing. 

Another great way to balance all of these tasks is to utilize study hall periods if you have them. 

Most importantly, try to find ways to have fun this year! Attend sports games, school functions, gatherings with friends and find calm in the middle of the storm.