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Netflix parties are a great way to get the experience of watching a show together, even if you might be far apart!
It’s been years since elementary school with Valentine’s Day parties and boxes, at least for Chelsea, but the holiday is still a great celebration of love. This year, festivities will probably be different for many people. Fortunately, there are still plenty of ways to feel the love.
Across the country, COVID-19 has caused much more time for family bonding than usual. But, in other cases, families haven’t seen each other in months. So, I think that this Valentine’s day should be celebrated not just with romantic partners, but with family and people who are important to you. Take the time to call a loved one and let them know just how much you appreciate them.
But, if spending the day with family isn’t your style, there are plenty of safe alternatives to experience everything the holiday has to offer. Of course, video chatting has become a new norm for almost everyone, and that remains an option. If you’re looking for an activity to do remotely, everyone could have “Netflix parties” where participants can chat with each other while watching a movie at the same time. One website, Teleparty, is the main provider of Netflix parties, and offers a great way to connect.
At home, there are great recipes for Valentine’s treats like chocolates and candies; baking is certainly another way to spend the day.
If you’re looking for something to do prior to the main day, I think there is something to be said for sending real mail to someone. Make a day out of sending cards, candy grams or even love letters.
Plus, there’s always a million love songs to get you into the Valentine’s Day spirit. Valentine’s Day music promises something for everyone, single or taken.
Plenty of restaurants will be open, and many more will offer carryout options if you’re still searching for a romantic dinner, but I think that this is the perfect year to make Valentine’s Day a stay-at-home holiday.
So, What Would Chelsea Do about Valentine’s Day during the pandemic? Chelsea will be spending the holiday with family and with other loved ones virtually. She recommends that everyone who is observing the holiday celebrates in some way, even if it’s eating chocolate alone (she thinks that counts as self-care).
Happy Valentine’s Day, Hillers!
When not at school, Rachel enjoys playing the piano, photography, crocheting, and watching Netflix. She loves nature and spending time outdoors. She also...