Cross Country team runs to end of season
Senior Patrick Bryant and Freshman Cole Suchoza run to the finish line.
The Trinity Cross Country team wrapped up their season with five meets and six invitationals. Although the team did not have any major wins during the season, the team consistently had top runners.
Senior Cassandra Hrabik was one of these top runners, placing first on the girls’ team at every dual meet and medaling at every invitational.
She says her biggest challenge this season was “never giving up, even when people would bring me down about myself. It would just make me push harder, even with haters.” She also added, “when I was a junior, my mentality of running changed. I wanted to be first on the team, so I ran more miles each day, faster each time. Ever since then I have taken first place at Trinity, finished off my running career as the top spot at Trinity, received team MVP, and led the team as a great captain and role model.”
The girls’ team usually practices everyday after school for an hour. The boys’ team practices during the summer for three days a week, and one day per week during the school year.
In addition, the team goes to meets on weekends. During meets, the first five runners to cross the finish line receive points corresponding to their place. The team with the lowest score wins.
The team has a strong bond, “especially the seniors who have been running together for four years,” said Senior Alec Penak.
Freshman Nick Hrabik says “the bond of the team is tight. We usually have gatherings and get togethers, and we go out to eat together frequently.”
Sophomore Justin Tonsetic said “we are all pretty close and we all get along well. We push each other and have a good time.”
According to Cassandra Hrabik, students interested in joining should “be prepared to run in heat, rain, snow and sleet. You will also have bad running days and that makes you push to be a better athlete.”
Penak recommends potential runners be both “motivated and dedicated.”
Students interested in joining for the 2020 season should wait for an announcement at the end of the school year to sign up or talk to Coach Zimack.
When not at school, Rachel enjoys playing the piano, photography, crocheting, and watching Netflix. She loves nature and spending time outdoors. She also...